Answered Prayer

To the one who has pardoned self:

White Buffalo comes with a halo and horns, a sign of abundance and answered prayer. Your longtime intention, finally realized. It looks different than you imagined. Perhaps it includes other people, and their hopes and dreams. The interconnectedness is stunning.

Taking the time you needed, to free yourself of generational patterns and familiar ways of limiting thinking, you became more understanding of who you once considered as other. It is a lovelier way to live.

You walked between two worlds, letting practical signs and mystical omens guide you through the obstacles. Pausing for frequent moments of awe and wonder, you learned to trust that Great Mystery was working all things for your good.

Was it your own misguided perception that closed the gateway to answered prayer? And then, in accepting that many misguided thought processes bar the door to serenity, were you able to let them go?

Tell me, how did Life require you to grow? Was it as simple as forgiving yourself, fully accepting your human-ness and then allowing others to make mistakes, as well? It must have felt like losing a sense of self.

Did you let go of particular expectations, so you could be swept away by Love? And once you pardoned self, did you notice how other people seemed to free you, too? No? Keep watching, and patiently waiting.

Forgiveness of self and other people is a gentler way to walk through life. Remembering this, and the expansiveness of an eternal plan hastens White Buffalo, with a halo and horns, along the way.

Making Spirit Flesh*

There are the obvious acts and then those things that are less apparent. For what do you need to forgive yourself?

Being too trusting, or not trusting enough?
Saying too much, or withholding?
Exhibiting arrogance, or not standing up for Self?
Being overly suspicious, or ignoring discernment?

Isn’t it time to free yourself?