Close to Home

Like so many of us in the northern hemisphere, I was just beginning to engage in Spring’s activities, when the coronavirus forced me to stay close to home.

As I live through the paradox of devastation and gift, I consider all of the varied scenarios. Some of us are not only holding our own uncertainty, but also the anxiety of people looking to us for comfort or healing. Others of us are doubling our duties, caring for family members that are back home. But what about those of us who are finding the guilty pleasure of a long, quiet pause? 

Mama Bear continues on, despite her fear. She has surely grieved loss and has every reason to be afraid in her ever-changing environment. Still, she nurtures her little ones, as they develop. 

We listen to the rising number of people impacted by COVID-19, but like Mama Bear, we too can move forward through loss and also in gratefulness for life. If the interruption did not come to you with specific instructions, how will you use this rare gift of quiet, space and time?


Some of us are experiencing more quiet. With fewer outings, there are fewer voices competing for our attention. Will we hear the still, small voice that we previously shushed? 


With less on our to do lists, our excuses are gone. Will we declutter our living spaces? How about clearing debris from our sacred interiors, to make room for the newnesses that will come?


At one time or another, we have all longed for more hours in a day. Now we have the chance to develop that grand idea, enjoy nature or to re-create ourselves?

Mama Bear is responsible for her cubs. Baby Bear; however, plays without a care in the world. What if each of us could find the cub inside, but at a more highly developed level?

Authorities have issued a directive to stay close to home. Metaphorically speaking, that has been the invitation all along, to live from home, the Sacred within.

Sacred Ruminations*

If you could emerge from isolation, a little differently, how would you choose to rise? 

Trust, play, wonder and dream. In what ways can you bring your inner cub to life again?

Mother Earth is finally experiencing a long overdue Sabbath. How do you plan to join her?