Lil’ Bit of Wisdom


Spirit Prayer – Owl (Lil’ Bit of Wisdom)


Your, “hoo, hoo,” wakes me from a deep sleep.
What is so important?

People have speculated a visit from you,
to mean deception, death, truth, wisdom.
Which is it?

I’d like an answer, please!
No real response, just, “Hoo, hoo?”

The hour is too early for such deep thinking,
so I simply sit with you and listen.

I breathe and pay attention to my thoughts
and feelings. Also, I notice how my body
responds to all that your call brings up in me.

Tell me, is this the way Spirit works?
I pray and then sit with an expression of the Holy?

So foreign, to this fast-paced, goal-oriented world,
stopping to get to know a brother, a sister,
when expecting a wordy answer.

I said, “God, tell me this one thing.”
And Great Mystery answered,
“Let me introduce you to Owl.” 

A fresh way of listening, a new relationship
and a lil’ bit of wisdom.