Look out, there’s a snake! What emotions rise up, in you, when you hear that kind of warning? Clearly, there is wisdom in giving poisonous snakes a wide berth. Even so, Snake offers an opportunity to transmute personal toxins and to shed old skin.
Considering that thoughts and emotions, like actions, create the future, what lies ahead, for you? And how does an ongoing diatribe, full of blame, generate a fulfilling life?
Try this humbling exercise: Imagine you are the other person (or people) in your life. Would you enjoy being around you? And if thoughts and emotions are visible, what do they see?
Paradoxically, snake bites can be deadly, but also hold the potential for your healing. With practice and intention, you can learn to transmute snake venom – ongoing negative thought patterns and emotional upheavals, caused by self-serving motives of another?
Could you dare to feel your strongest emotions without letting them consume you? Are you willing to dig into the past until you can identify their origin?
How long have you attempted to fix internal problems with external solutions? As long as you’ve spewed the same judgmental rant?
What if you could detox your mind? Imagine thinking about something else or simply engaging in wonder. Pause to feel the difference between fear and trust.
There is reasoning and intuition. Giving each emotion voice requires bravery, because you are daring to open to your tender side and become more empathetic. Oddly, more insightful, too.
Of what are you afraid…that if you release justified resentment, the other person will take advantage of you? It is a possibility, but becoming whole is about you and not others’ reactions.
Facing venomous emotions, by thoroughly feeling them, transmutes poisons. It’s a bitter medicine to swallow. In the end, however, you are choosing life over death.
Look out! There’s a snake! Once bitten, you can blame the snake, distract yourself with false grounding, i.e., overeating, medicating, spiritual bypassing, busyness, focusing on attaining status/proving your worth or begin transmuting the venom to become a catalyst for change, in the world.
Making Spirit Flesh*
Healing, wholeness and fresh beginnings come when you are ready to rid yourself of toxins. Then, you are able to see scary Snake as the one that guides you to transmute debilitating thoughts and emotions.
Year of the Snake = a year of shedding what no longer serves your well-being