Lynx sees, hears and knows, yet has no need to let anyone else know. If this Spirit Guide comes to you ask, “What secret, mine or someone else’s, is keeping me in the dark?”
No one enjoys being kept in the dark; however, if Lynx leaves you there, why not benefit? In a state of inquiry, you have an opportunity to not only hear your intuitive voice, but sharpen your discernment. In addition, this time of not knowing could deepen your relationship with the Holy.
Perhaps Lynx knows that if he talks, you will talk. Then, before you know it, everyone else has given you their opinions. How long will you depend on external input at the expense of cultivating an inner knowing?
Is there a truth from which you’ve turned away? Perhaps it is up under all the little lies you’ve told yourself. Ask Lynx to bring what is hidden into the light.
Or, do you have Lynx’s giftedness?
Lynx-like people see what is not readily seen, hear what is not being said and know something is off, before the other is aware of their disconnect. If you have Lynx’s medicine, your radar is more developed than most. You are able to let people sit with the questions until they can make their own discoveries.
What do you suppose causes strangers to tell you their stories? Could they sense that like Lynx, you keep confidences?
Lynx knows that gossip is just another way to feel, through someone else’s story, without having to face one’s own emotions. Focusing on other is a distraction.
You may be a safe person; nonetheless, you see through discrepancies, which makes less secure individuals uneasy. If this sounds familiar, allow Spirit to brood over you, in your aloneness, and the inner knowing will eventually come.
Lynx-like people are intuitive. They see, hear and know more than others might think. Whether you possess this medicine or not, sitting with your Inner Teacher in a state of inquiry, will build trust in the Sacred within. And isn’t trust what gets us through the uncertainty of not knowing?
Making Spirit Flesh*
An antidote for anxiety and overwhelming thoughts:
First, get in your body, by doing something physically active. Second, breathe deeply, while standing or sitting on the ground. Think of Earth as a mother’s welcoming lap, able to hold all of her children. Then, as you continue breathing deeply, wait for a living creature, or anything, to attract your attention. Prayerfully imagine all the ways Great Spirit might be coming to you.
What if, through imaginative prayer, you realize that your connection to the spirit world is more real than your excessive attachment to what troubles you in this one? Wouldn’t that be something!