Mending the Breach, Integrity continued…
Oxford’s definition:
Integrity – the state of being whole, undivided
Occasionally, when moving art, a piece is damaged. This painting fell on a sharp object, which punctured the canvas. At that point, I could make the painting stronger or discard it.
Now the painting is more interesting. Likewise, people who have allowed transformation in their brokenness are more life-giving to be around. They have both a depth and lightness about them, because they know that life is not only tangible, but also spiritual — as evidenced by unexplainable events that they witness.
Once they experience beauty emerging from devastation, they are not as attached to dualism. Instead of denying growth that can only happen in the dark, they find completeness in evening and morning as one full day.
People who have explored Great Mystery’s dark, know that as they relinquish their lives to Spirit, or the flow of Life, synchronicity follows. There is a change in consciousness and life often feels a bit magical.
They no longer have a constant need to prove themselves or justify their actions. Yes, means yes and no, means no. Other people have their right to feel, to be and to say yes or no, as well. Somehow the transformed know that they are a part of a bigger plan that is working together for good.
There is an awareness of Presence and a confidence that all will be well, in spite of all the harshness around them. Furthermore, because they have cleared out stagnating illusions, there is space for new life.
In the beginning, Spirit hovered over a dark void. This is still is the birthplace of creativity.
Your inner life may be as dark as a womb. Many things threaten to destroy the creative process taking place there, especially the timing that, at times, can feel unbearably slow. The only genuine danger, however, is choosing to think that compartmentalization can work indefinitely.
A rip in life occurs, when we are at odds with the Sacred that resides within. That’s when we need to be intentional about mending the breach.
Making Spirit Flesh*
What fears do you face in the void? What if not facing your fears, is the only hinderance to newness of life.