The Initiation

Spirit Prayer – Magdalena Raven (The Initiation)

Magdalena Raven,
A conspiracy, an unkindness?
I’ve not found your family,
to be either.

Your blue-black feathers held me,
in the dark night.
You were there in my suffering
and also my initiation.

How could I hope to be a healing presence
 to others,
and not experience the void with only you?
How can anyone?
Yet we resist that kind of growth.

You bring magic.
Is that what makes you so threatening?
Would the word “miracle,”
feel more familiar to those who recoil
at first sight of you?

I’ll call you Magdalena, the
Mary who was misconstrued.
Was she sinner, saint, landowner, or witness?

Magdalena cannot be reduced to one label,
nor can you.
For once I got to know you,
I could no longer judge you, from afar.
Oh, that I might do the same for everyone.

Intriguing expression of Spirit,
As misunderstood as you are,
draw me into this one Great Mystery of Love.