About Lisa Baker

Though I grew up in a city, I spent many hours riding horses, walking through the woods and sitting under the stars at night. Nature fed my soul then, as it does today.

My mother tells me that I talked to trees when I was a child. I have no memory of my conversations with the Standing People (trees); nonetheless, I have come full circle, back to experiencing the spirit world through nature.

My degree is in Fine Arts. Throughout my life, I have created by way of visual arts, writing and dance. Even now, when I stray from True Self, I turn to the arts and nature to find my way home.

Meeting people as souls rather than other.

From all appearances, I am as white and Christian as can be. Add my US southern accent and it is easy to make assumptions.

Back in the 60’s and 70’s; however, a Southern Baptist Church in Memphis, TN taught me to meet people as souls rather than other. By example, I learned to welcome different ethnicities, races and faith traditions.

The weightier lessons came later. Being in relationship with people who understood interconnectedness and then feeling the affects of those who did not, sparked a personal intention to live into the changes I wanted to experience in the world.

As I’ve aged, I have simplified my life with a couple of questions. Are my actions good for the whole? Am I loving my neighbor, as myself?

How do I see God?

I have reverted back to first Bible verse I learned as a child, “God is love.” Love is an energy that expresses itself in many forms. It is all around and when it is difficult to see or feel, I hear an invitation to nurture that spark inside of me.

I believe there is inner teacher within us all. Though different cultures have given this teacher varied names, each of us has an inner true voice that speaks. Whether we listen is up to us.

It has been my experience that when we let Love transform us, we become a healing presence. Eventually, we are able to see Spirit in everything. Then, we can imagine other people living from their essence as whole, free and empowered individuals.

What is an ideal world worth? Is it worth transmuting the energy of all the thoughts, words and actions I put out in the world?

Regularly answering such questions keeps me focused on being a better human being. Perhaps the most spiritual thing I, or any of us, can do is to live from the Sacred within.

Read about Lisa’s Journey

Contact Lisa

For Spiritual Mentoring in person, by phone or Zoom, contact Lisa using the form below or by email at lisa@SacredWithin.Us.
