My Wisdom Stick

Knowing that the Sacred is not restricted by time or place, I enjoy time travel on occasion. My wisdom stick prompts me to think of my life as a living cover-to-cover book and with Spirit I can move freely within, rather than being stuck in segmented chapters.

Often I ask individuals, “Where was the sacredness in that experience?” Perplexed, the other usually replies with an answer akin to, I did not know God then, I was not thinking of spiritual things at the time, or there was nothing holy in that moment. Then I suggest that we go back in time and invite Presence to join us there.

Recently, this was how it developed for me. Spirit invited me to drift back to a life event. With my wisdom stick in hand, I climbed into the metaphorical boat, watching the water and waiting for the particular experience to bubble up from below.

Before long, the thought of seeing Spirit, in that past experience, begged me to jump into the river’s flow. I wanted to participate and not merely observe. As I waited, I watched the rings of the water around me, hoping to find God somewhere in my swirling memory of the event.

I listened to the conversations that took place then, but with a fresher understanding. This time I listened with a spiritual invitation in mind and found the courage to say an honest “no” to an opportunity that I thought was a part of my journey, and “yes” to an invitation that I had only partially stepped into.

Still treading water, I looked out beyond the river’s bank to see sunflowers growing up from composted manure. Standing in the muck, the flowers offered me hope, as I re-visited unfavorable parts of the experience. I asked God to show me the sacredness within each. Perhaps, the undesirable parts were carefully composted for me, as well. I continued watching the sunflowers and knew what to do.

Though their stalks grew up from the stench, their faces followed the sun, like compass needles following true north. I waited in Spirit’s loving flow, calibrating my compass toward the light.

I found pleasure watching the flowers being true to themselves. Later, when I looked in my pantry, I saw sunflower seeds and wondered if any nourishment for others would come from my authentic choices. All of the connections of the day gave me a newfound confidence.

Spirit does her transforming work within me as I let go of what I think I need to do or any claims I’ve made on a story. As I free fall into the flowing river, she redefines my past and works with me to calibrate my compass for the future. And as I consider my life, living and fluid, I find my home there, in wisdom, authenticity and love.