
Appropriate vulnerability vitalized her influence. Because she had a sense of being one with the greater whole, she was unencumbered, and better able to offer Presence.

Peace and Mystery were two qualities that accompanied her. Together, she held past, present and future, because she was grounded in Love.

As I observed, I realized that she had no need of guarding a particular territory but rather had found home within. Though she engaged outwardly, she knew that she already had everything she needed.

Influencers, who inspire each person to True Self and actually allow the various expressions, even when it challenges their plans, are exceptional. They understand, because they listen and observe, rather than assume.

In spite of their opinions, respectable guides honor the other person’s choices. They know that every twist or turn is an opportunity for personal transformation. We can engage or pull away and they will continue to bless us.

People who offer Presence understand the value of developing their inner lives. They have discovered that loving self, means allowing a constant flow both in and out.

Worthy mentors admit their failures. They are willing to share their faults, when their struggles can offer light to another’s journey. Still, they keep the conversation confidential and focused on the other person.

Spiritual Companions tend to look comprehensively. They concentrate on broader intentions of Life and enjoy watching smaller hopes and dreams unfold. Even through troubling circumstances, they live as if their ability to provide Presence depends on a willingness to trust a bigger plan.

As I sought to be a person of Presence, I linked freedom with living from my truest Self. Then, assisting others in finding genuine expressions, I noticed the differences that make each of us one part of the whole.

I also discovered how offering Presence often turns a knob that opens to another person’s room full of well-hidden shadows. In spite of doors we may unintentionally crack, we can still step over our own home’s threshold, back into the Sacred within.

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Sacred Ruminations*

Spend time thinking about positive traits of people who have deepened your journey. What does your reaction to each quality say about you?