
Forget my dream? It was too late. I could not un-see what I had seen. Besides, not only had I written details in my journal; but also painted my dream’s most prominent showing. How could I forget the remnants of a dream so personal, so invitational?

Those things that remain hidden, known or not, are the very things we spew out onto those around us, inhibiting their transformation, and our own. Freeing the mermaids to swim in the night sky was my way of inviting Discernment to speak to me through my unconscious parts.

Paying attention to my dream encouraged me to trust Discernment to pull my outer spirals of stuck-ness down into the very essence of my being where they could be transformed by Love. There, deep within, I discovered a union that offered far more power and freedom than I had known before.

I became aware of the nagging things inside of me that lagged behind, caught in spiraling egos of doing and thinking, keeping me from experiencing the wholeness and love that were there. This realization urged me to sit with others, as they spiraled down, rattling around in circumstances until they, too, could trust the open spaces. As I slowly accepted more of myself, I found room to open up to others, even those with different convictions.

The dream called me to let go. Intentionality had served me well, and now Soul was asking me to simply engage in a fluid dance with Life, allowing Spirit to freely lead. Somewhere in my relinquishment to the effortless rhythm, Sacredness showed herself all around and deep within.

Forget my dream? It was too late. Though the details were fading with the morning sun, the remnants of its message were emblazoned on my heart and mind.

Sacred Ruminations*