Sacred Light

I was in a different place and yet found myself choosing among the same three paths that intersected in front of me, again. I thought back to times of heartbreak and crisis of ego when I was tempted to behave differently, yet yearned to live from the Sacred Light within.

The first path was a bright, optimistic path. There were many people engaged in meeting immediate needs. I knew both what I believed and where I was going, which served as handrails to a ladder that led me step-by-step, beyond the basic developmental stages of ego, outside of myself and up to God. I became a willful doer. Blinders, earplugs and too much fantasy enticed me toward “The Super Spiritual”.

The second path led me out into the fog of reality where I engaged the why up under our world’s troubling circumstances and more specifically, individuals’ behavior. This brought a mental challenge to my daily practices. Finding the cause of, was the rope to which I held. I engaged in pithy conversation, but also found myself swimming in the cold hard facts. My soul cried for more as too much negativity lured me to join “The Cynics”.

Beneath the first two paths was a third that never failed to lead me back home. This path did not have a step-by-step approach that was overly assuring or a rope in the dense fog that left me hanging, to figure it all out on my own.

Instead, the third road took me on a pilgrimage deep inside where there was nothing but faith in the promise of Light and Love. Fewer people chose this pathless path, so it was difficult to find a guide.

I felt alone and strangely, not. I KNEW that through the dark there was a cross where I would die to self and resurrect, over and over again, and that this was transformation’s true path.

Three Paths Chart

The third way encouraged discernment rather than surety. Including the better practices of the first two paths opened me up to accepting others, though it did not guarantee reciprocity. Paradoxically, I experienced power and synchronicity when I chose to simply be, trusting in the presence of Sacred Light all around and within.

There in the dark, I enjoyed Light to the extent that I created light for others by changing what I could change, accepting the unchangeable and continuing to move forward. The deeper peace, love and joy became less dependent on outer circumstances, as did the everlasting Sacred Light of God’s Spirit within.

Sacred Ruminations*