The Initiation
Spirit Prayer – Magdalena Raven (The Initiation) Magdalena Raven, A conspiracy, an unkindness? I’ve not found your family, to be...
Spirit Prayer – Magdalena Raven (The Initiation) Magdalena Raven, A conspiracy, an unkindness? I’ve not found your family, to be...
Black/white, good/bad, right/wrong… Magpie shows us how to move beyond either/or, to consider both/and. Ah, that moment when someone sees...
Wolf asked, “Are you coming?” “Yes,” I replied. ”Where are we going?” “Deep imaginative prayer” Pathfinder Wolf was standing at...
Laughter, happiness, peace and joy… most of us want all of it. Fewer; however, are willing to let go of...
Faith Like Noah. Those were the words on the back of the young man’s hoodie. I turned to my loving...
Creatively Emerging From The Dark Night With Lisa Baker
When we hold too tightly to particular happily ever after endings, we refuse wholeness. We make it difficult for Life...
Many people connect Owl with knowledge and wisdom. Knowing satisfies us. In short, we are comfortable in the light. Owls;...
Twenty-six years ago, the dark night of my soul met me like a ferocious panther. There, I entered the unknown...
I came out of my dark night of the soul, deeply rooted in joy. Also, I discovered a bluebird in...
The Sacred Dark invited me and I said, yes. Like so many of the imperfect characters in Christian scriptures, I...
Daunting circumstances, can feel like a tomb. And then Hope breaks through with three little words, *tomb or womb? If...