Clear and Clean
With two recent snows, it was hard to realize how quickly summer was approaching. My loving other and I were...
With two recent snows, it was hard to realize how quickly summer was approaching. My loving other and I were...
Water lapped over my feet as I walked the ocean’s shore. Were waves simply complying with the natural order or...
I breathed a prayer over our land, “How can I best be here, in the desert, with people more native...
A nip in the air hints of winter’s call to hunker down and come back to True Self. We bundle...
She invited me to go with her. And when we had plummeted the depths, Whale and I surfaced to breathe....
For years this painting hung in my studio. It represented time between, Jesus feeding the five thousand and his walking...
The pool was as deep and wide as Love stood. Through the gurgling, I could hear True Self calling out...
As I reached my foot for the flirtatious stone, it disappeared under water and I fell into the stream. Much...
I could have blamed the limes and avocados that I had ingested the night before. Instead, I gave consideration to...
I imagined only great trials leading to great change until I made loving-kindness a priority in meeting the nagging everyday...
Knowing that the Sacred is not restricted by time or place, I enjoy time travel on occasion. My wisdom stick prompts...
I would have loved a ritual stick while navigating my way through the dark night of the soul. I spent...