Let Go
Do you remember what healing energy feels like? What if you let go of the fear of being rejected by...
Do you remember what healing energy feels like? What if you let go of the fear of being rejected by...
Red touches yellow, kills a fellow… That’s how the rhyme begins. It is a quick way to know the difference...
What are some of the ways you’ve noticed a surprise visit from Great Spirit? Did the Holy ever come as...
Black/white, good/bad, right/wrong… Magpie shows us how to move beyond either/or, to consider both/and. Ah, that moment when someone sees...
Deception, death, truth and wisdom are several meanings people ascribe to Owl. Though different, they seem to be steps in...
Mending the Breach, Integrity continued… Oxford’s definition: Integrity – the state of being whole, undivided Occasionally, when...
Summer is coming to a close in the Northern Hemisphere. When temperatures plunge, bees will go into their hives. Once...
Would you prefer being a person of integrity or for everyone to think you are? Recently, a friend posed a...
Faith Like Noah. Those were the words on the back of the young man’s hoodie. I turned to my loving...
At a time when I felt siloed, Raven fed my soul. Now I give food to the ravens that visit...
When we hold too tightly to particular happily ever after endings, we refuse wholeness. We make it difficult for Life...
From the moment my niece came into this world, she brought out play in me. One Christmas she gave me...