Broken Pieces
People, of various traditions, believe that love will heal the world. What would that kind of love look like? And...
People, of various traditions, believe that love will heal the world. What would that kind of love look like? And...
Spirit Prayer – Turkey Turkey, If I could understand your language, what would I hear in your gobble?...
Dove has many meanings, one being presence of Eternal Spirit. As you look back on your life, imagine Dove, or...
Would you prefer being a person of integrity or for everyone to think you are? Recently, a friend posed a...
The gentler message of Snake is shedding what no longer belongs. What formerly served to shape us, no longer does....
People often ask, “What happens in a spiritual direction session?” Rather than describing spiritual direction with all its uniquenesses, let’s...
Twenty-six years ago, the dark night of my soul met me like a ferocious panther. There, I entered the unknown...
Before moving west, I lived in America’s evangelical south. During our country’s recent upheaval, I have read prayers like, “Lord...
My question was more of an expression of wonder. I was not expecting an answer, yet a shooting star, like...
I remember pulling Animal Farm, from the bookshelf. I was a child, still singing Old MacDonald’s ee i ee i...
Sky and earth circled around me, until they pared me to my essence. First, I stood beneath stars and then...
When we’ve domesticated Soul, and come to a season of quiet, we hear Essence calling. In the past we turned...