I enjoyed her mournful coos, until Dove’s songs climaxed to a daily incessant fuss. How did this gentle creature become so...
I enjoyed her mournful coos, until Dove’s songs climaxed to a daily incessant fuss. How did this gentle creature become so...
For years this painting hung in my studio. It represented time between, Jesus feeding the five thousand and his walking...
The moment Discernment creates a parting of the fog; I pull out my barometer and begin looking for signposts. Discernment...
Thus far, messengers of Quiet have summoned me to come down beneath the surface for extended solitude, three times. Though...
The pool was as deep and wide as Love stood. Through the gurgling, I could hear True Self calling out...
I have grown to love all that spaces offer. They provide a pause, so that friends can remain friends, while...
Forget my dream? It was too late. I could not un-see what I had seen. Besides, not only had I written...
I could have blamed the limes and avocados that I had ingested the night before. Instead, I gave consideration to...
I was in a different place and yet found myself choosing among the same three paths that intersected in front...
My sense was that she had voted for the other candidate. All I knew for sure, was that I listened...
Ravens fed Elijah, when he needed desert time with God. Spirit Raven fed me when I needed a fresh Knowing....
Raven all but sat on my head, looked me in the eye and said, let it die. Ravens signify death and...