I enjoyed her mournful coos, until Dove’s songs climaxed to a daily incessant fuss. How did this gentle creature become so...
I enjoyed her mournful coos, until Dove’s songs climaxed to a daily incessant fuss. How did this gentle creature become so...
Several times on my journey, I have looked out in the expanse of Creation’s Bible to see a silhouette of...
Like snakes detecting vibrations on the earth’s surface, we can refine our discernment by being attentive to sacred subtleties. Considering new...
“Ask the animals.” When Job was unable to hear anything that rang true to what he already knew deep within,...
Clouds floated by like swans on a calm pond. One was bottom-side up and another, upright. Swan-clouds voiced their secret...
For years this painting hung in my studio. It represented time between, Jesus feeding the five thousand and his walking...
I was back in 1959 wound as tight as the top I sent spinning on Christmas morning. In a flash,...
It felt like the breath of God. A pair of ravens flew toward the arroyo. One dipped down and flew...
I pulled the right and left sides of my brain down into my heart and began chanting my praise mantra,...
The moment Discernment creates a parting of the fog; I pull out my barometer and begin looking for signposts. Discernment...
The mandorla provides sanctuary for what feels torn apart. When it is difficult to see the commonality between heaven and...
Quiet is rare. When we have a modicum of quiet, our minds get busy and the voices, we would rather...