For me, Esther, like Swan, is the epitome of grace. Faith like Esther means living from a sacred intention in...
For me, Esther, like Swan, is the epitome of grace. Faith like Esther means living from a sacred intention in...
Credentials, knowledge, wisdom, discernment, giftedness… A woman turned to me and said one phrase, “Boy! I bet you feel like...
Many people connect Owl with knowledge and wisdom. Knowing satisfies us. In short, we are comfortable in the light. Owls;...
Dreams allow two spirit animals come to us as one, like Turkey Squirrel. This imaginary creature prompts us to gather...
How many of our ongoing narratives reflect the way we continue to interpret the creation stories, we learned as children?...
Night Eagle (Owl) wakes us up with a question, Who? Who are you? Some Native Americans consider Owl a harbinger...
Far down the trail a flower stands. I wonder if anyone else will see the bloom. Does the flower care...
Members of the Alligatoridae family took me through transformation in the water. Lion came with fire. Finally, birds of the...
Porcupine’s quills transfigure her body with an elegance, just before they disfigure an enemy’s face. Similarly, our innate traits grace...
The Sacred Dark invited me and I said, yes. Like so many of the imperfect characters in Christian scriptures, I...
Daunting circumstances, can feel like a tomb. And then Hope breaks through with three little words, *tomb or womb? If...
At dawn, Salmon tops the horizon to enlighten us. In our spring years, we expect clarity to provide us with...