Time Between
For years this painting hung in my studio. It represented time between, Jesus feeding the five thousand and his walking...
For years this painting hung in my studio. It represented time between, Jesus feeding the five thousand and his walking...
I pulled the right and left sides of my brain down into my heart and began chanting my praise mantra,...
At first it did not look like anything out of the ordinary, a long horizontal line with significant historical events...
I could have blamed the limes and avocados that I had ingested the night before. Instead, I gave consideration to...
Raven all but sat on my head, looked me in the eye and said, let it die. Ravens signify death and...
It was quite the processional, a moment that I could spend years trying to interpret. Instead, I decided to let...
I imagined only great trials leading to great change until I made loving-kindness a priority in meeting the nagging everyday...
If I had covered my ears to shut out pain’s noisy voice, I would have missed hearing Spirit’s whisper, her...
As I abide with Infinite Love and my discernment stick, the Knowing eye sees beyond what is obvious. In those...
I would have loved a ritual stick while navigating my way through the dark night of the soul. I spent...
In my collection of images of the mandorla, the ladder that I follow down is my mandorla of acceptance. It...
Black or white. I grew up in the South in the 60’s, so I know a thing or two about...