Invitation to Faith
Do not be afraid. If only it were that simple. Fear is an invitation to faith. It offers a choice...
Do not be afraid. If only it were that simple. Fear is an invitation to faith. It offers a choice...
When we hold too tightly to particular happily ever after endings, we refuse wholeness. We make it difficult for Life...
Twenty-six years ago, the dark night of my soul met me like a ferocious panther. There, I entered the unknown...
Coyotes yelp, owls screech and roosters crow. Young prophet, I ask you, “Do peacocks whisper or ravens sigh?” You were...
Realizing the dream of a better world lies in both our self-care and rebirth. Through death’s initiation, Bat inducts those...
Wholeness nudges us to widen our pretentious boundaries, and also to let go. As we become more compassionate and give...
Say it out loud and give it power. Conceal it and give it even more power. There must be another...
When the world is wound in a drama that does want to quit, I am more open to some of...
I was back in 1959 wound as tight as the top I sent spinning on Christmas morning. In a flash,...
Often, Discernment comes as a negative and one day, I grabbed it as inspiration for my freedom stick. Images hold...
I would have loved a ritual stick while navigating my way through the dark night of the soul. I spent...
Having finished my creation stick, I stepped out for a prayer walk through Creation’s Bible. I rarely complete the art...