For me, Esther, like Swan, is the epitome of grace. Faith like Esther means living from a sacred intention in...
For me, Esther, like Swan, is the epitome of grace. Faith like Esther means living from a sacred intention in...
Faith Like Noah. Those were the words on the back of the young man’s hoodie. I turned to my loving...
Do not be afraid. If only it were that simple. Fear is an invitation to faith. It offers a choice...
How does Bluebird bring so much happy in the midst of trial? Even when life seems hopeless, he sings. Mountain...
Sky and earth circled around me, until they pared me to my essence. First, I stood beneath stars and then...
Porcupine’s quills transfigure her body with an elegance, just before they disfigure an enemy’s face. Similarly, our innate traits grace...
Was it a self imposed act, the lashing out of a jilted suitor or a crow gone mad? Regardless, eyes...
By the time I climbed up on the ledge to free the goats, they were gone. At what point had...
In Spirit Clans, David Carson tells a story about Ant. A native woman, who lost everything, met an apparition dressed in...
I can still pull up a twinge of the anger I felt on that summer day, back in the 60’s....
I held a nest of dreams, waiting for Life to crack through. As the eggs incubated, I ruminated. Focused outwardly, it took...
Pretty little Javelina (Ha-ve-LEE-na) waltzed in, painted sky blue. She fooled me. With such a beautiful name, and dressed in...