Imagine your present situation as an egg. Curiously observe what is hatching from inside the shell. What is the first...
Imagine your present situation as an egg. Curiously observe what is hatching from inside the shell. What is the first...
Every day, Life invites us to co-create the future. What are we initiating? How are we responding? The biggest black...
Before moving west, I lived in America’s evangelical south. During our country’s recent upheaval, I have read prayers like, “Lord...
The Sacred Dark invited me and I said, yes. Like so many of the imperfect characters in Christian scriptures, I...
Coyotes yelp, owls screech and roosters crow. Young prophet, I ask you, “Do peacocks whisper or ravens sigh?” You were...
By the time I climbed up on the ledge to free the goats, they were gone. At what point had...
Speaking truth eventually gets around to pointing out our shortcomings, even when we took a stand and were spot on...
I had an insatiable desire for the Holy. I remember, as a teenager, reading Christian scripture and declaring with James...
In a ten-year period, I sat with over a thousand men and women, in one-on-one coaching sessions. During that time,...
I put one hand on my heart, the other, on top of the mesa. Lying on Mother Earth, I wondered...
My recollection is as clear as if Doe were standing here today. Deer happened upon me and gazed on my...
The mandorla provides sanctuary for what feels torn apart. When it is difficult to see the commonality between heaven and...