For many years, there was a oneness between Native Americans and Bison. Those who lived close to the land danced...
For many years, there was a oneness between Native Americans and Bison. Those who lived close to the land danced...
Deception, death, truth and wisdom are several meanings people ascribe to Owl. Though different, they seem to be steps in...
Dove has many meanings, one being presence of Eternal Spirit. As you look back on your life, imagine Dove, or...
Laughter, happiness, peace and joy… most of us want all of it. Fewer; however, are willing to let go of...
When we hold too tightly to particular happily ever after endings, we refuse wholeness. We make it difficult for Life...
I saw it in the other, because I noticed it in myself, and vice versa. Anything we substantiate, becomes a...
Twenty-six years ago, the dark night of my soul met me like a ferocious panther. There, I entered the unknown...
Before moving west, I lived in America’s evangelical south. During our country’s recent upheaval, I have read prayers like, “Lord...
For a long time, we could keep them separate. Then a babe in a manger moved us along to seeing...
Peering out the window, I watched Dove swoop down through the air and land on Mother Earth. Dove’s presence alone,...
The rarely seen Pink Fairy Armadillo shares a gift with us, how to keep our balance when outside forces are...
How many of our ongoing narratives reflect the way we continue to interpret the creation stories, we learned as children?...