Look Out!
Look out, there’s a snake! What emotions rise up, in you, when you hear that kind of warning? Clearly, there...
Look out, there’s a snake! What emotions rise up, in you, when you hear that kind of warning? Clearly, there...
Black/white, good/bad, right/wrong… Magpie shows us how to move beyond either/or, to consider both/and. Ah, that moment when someone sees...
It is difficult for two people to communicate with words when they do not speak the same language and nearly...
Hummingbirds model bliss. Experiencing euphoria; however, is not reserved for these little creatures alone. Feather, furry and scaly ones often...
When we hold too tightly to particular happily ever after endings, we refuse wholeness. We make it difficult for Life...
I saw it in the other, because I noticed it in myself, and vice versa. Anything we substantiate, becomes a...
For a long time, we could keep them separate. Then a babe in a manger moved us along to seeing...
How many of our ongoing narratives reflect the way we continue to interpret the creation stories, we learned as children?...
I came out of my dark night of the soul, deeply rooted in joy. Also, I discovered a bluebird in...
Like so many of us in the northern hemisphere, I was just beginning to engage in Spring’s activities, when the...
Just when our seriousness escalates to lid popping level, a holy fool comes and relieves the pressure by pulling log...
Daunting circumstances, can feel like a tomb. And then Hope breaks through with three little words, *tomb or womb? If...