Torpor Time
In the winter months, Bear goes into a light sleep state called torpor. We would be wise to allow Bear...
In the winter months, Bear goes into a light sleep state called torpor. We would be wise to allow Bear...
The rarely seen Pink Fairy Armadillo shares a gift with us, how to keep our balance when outside forces are...
Like so many of us in the northern hemisphere, I was just beginning to engage in Spring’s activities, when the...
I looked at the flower paintings, and gasped. Observing more closely I could not find one butterfly flirting with the...
It was spring. By winter a big smile graced my face. I could no longer hear the condescending words and...
In the fire, Power’s image ignited before me. Would the blazing flames consume or illuminate? The visual, along with my...
Why? It is the most frequent question I ask myself. Why uncovers intentions. Though our specific answers may differ, replying...
Like verses in sacred texts, the animals of Creation’s Bible, may have several possible meanings, depending on where we are...
Continued healing: “You’re not dealing with this!” It seemed, to her, that I was doing nothing to correct my situation....
Water lapped over my feet as I walked the ocean’s shore. Were waves simply complying with the natural order or...
On Thanksgiving Day, we looked out at creation’s vastness from the mesa at Puyé Dwellings. Before long, our Native American...
A nip in the air hints of winter’s call to hunker down and come back to True Self. We bundle...