Look Out!
Look out, there’s a snake! What emotions rise up, in you, when you hear that kind of warning? Clearly, there...
Look out, there’s a snake! What emotions rise up, in you, when you hear that kind of warning? Clearly, there...
Link to book details: https://bit.ly/40WpggE
To the one who has pardoned self: White Buffalo comes with a halo and horns, a sign of abundance and...
One day you may have an experience that shifts your perspective. Other becomes mirror-like and you realize your connection. Other...
What images does forgiveness evoke in you? I think of a fawn, a waterfall and a soothing balm? I was...
Mother Earth, Father Sky and Mermaid of the Kitchen Sink Every day I walk in Northern New Mexico’s land of...
Hummingbirds model bliss. Experiencing euphoria; however, is not reserved for these little creatures alone. Feather, furry and scaly ones often...
My question was more of an expression of wonder. I was not expecting an answer, yet a shooting star, like...
How does Bluebird bring so much happy in the midst of trial? Even when life seems hopeless, he sings. Mountain...
Far down the trail a flower stands. I wonder if anyone else will see the bloom. Does the flower care...
There are seasons of life when we have more to do vocationally than we can balance with our families, other...
Like so many of us in the northern hemisphere, I was just beginning to engage in Spring’s activities, when the...