Just when our seriousness escalates to lid popping level, a holy fool comes and relieves the pressure by pulling log...
Just when our seriousness escalates to lid popping level, a holy fool comes and relieves the pressure by pulling log...
My prayer boat drifted into Dreamtime. There I was, gliding on the water, in between past and future. It was...
The Sacred Dark invited me and I said, yes. Like so many of the imperfect characters in Christian scriptures, I...
Daunting circumstances, can feel like a tomb. And then Hope breaks through with three little words, *tomb or womb? If...
Multilayered stories go with us, offering insight into our circumstances. In part, Jonah’s story is about the Sacred Dark coming...
Was it a self imposed act, the lashing out of a jilted suitor or a crow gone mad? Regardless, eyes...
Roadrunner scurried across our adobe wall to get a closer look at me. As I leaned in toward her, she...
A parliament of owls and a fiery Appaloosa: I didn’t know whether to name what was before me and assign...
Shaman: Chant a song and shake a rattle. Let the drumbeat take you into non-ordinary reality. *While the Western world...
Coyotes yelp, owls screech and roosters crow. Young prophet, I ask you, “Do peacocks whisper or ravens sigh?” You were...
Crow caws, leaving truth like a shiny coin and then waits to see if we will spend, invest or squander...
Realizing the dream of a better world lies in both our self-care and rebirth. Through death’s initiation, Bat inducts those...