One day you may have an experience that shifts your perspective. Other becomes mirror-like and you realize your connection. Other...
One day you may have an experience that shifts your perspective. Other becomes mirror-like and you realize your connection. Other...
For many years, there was a oneness between Native Americans and Bison. Those who lived close to the land danced...
Deception, death, truth and wisdom are several meanings people ascribe to Owl. Though different, they seem to be steps in...
Mending the Breach, Integrity continued… Oxford’s definition: Integrity – the state of being whole, undivided Occasionally, when...
The gentler message of Snake is shedding what no longer belongs. What formerly served to shape us, no longer does....
Peering out the window, I watched Dove swoop down through the air and land on Mother Earth. Dove’s presence alone,...
Sky and earth circled around me, until they pared me to my essence. First, I stood beneath stars and then...
I came out of my dark night of the soul, deeply rooted in joy. Also, I discovered a bluebird in...
For as long as I can remember, hollowed out sculptures have drawn me. I am not sure exactly why. Perhaps...
My prayer boat drifted into Dreamtime. There I was, gliding on the water, in between past and future. It was...
At dawn, Salmon tops the horizon to enlighten us. In our spring years, we expect clarity to provide us with...
Shaman: Chant a song and shake a rattle. Let the drumbeat take you into non-ordinary reality. *While the Western world...