It was spring. By winter a big smile graced my face. I could no longer hear the condescending words and...
It was spring. By winter a big smile graced my face. I could no longer hear the condescending words and...
Summer’s electricity jolts us forward. There, Moose bellows out a melancholy sound through fall’s vibrant colors, inviting us into winter...
Continued from Why? The question why can be as innocent as it is pesky, indicting, really. Asking why once, usually...
In the fire, Power’s image ignited before me. Would the blazing flames consume or illuminate? The visual, along with my...
Tares grow beside wheat, transfiguring us. Cancer invades healthy tissue, breaking down normal cells. Figuratively speaking, communities experience both tares,...
I held a nest of dreams, waiting for Life to crack through. As the eggs incubated, I ruminated. Focused outwardly, it took...
Pretty little Javelina (Ha-ve-LEE-na) waltzed in, painted sky blue. She fooled me. With such a beautiful name, and dressed in...
What if we walked through the pages of sacred text, allowing the stories to mirror our journeys? I imagine that...
Once saved, always saved, was a common theme of my childhood faith tradition. There is another kind of lost-ness, here...
There may come a time when a traumatic event catalyzes your life. Living through the experience, with prayerful intention, not...
Moving deeper, toward True Self, often requires confronting things we discern in the dark. Authenticity and fear frequently respond to...
Appropriate vulnerability vitalized her influence. Because she had a sense of being one with the greater whole, she was unencumbered,...